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Recherches et publications de la SBA

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A place where inspiration finds you

L’équipe du SBA est ravie de mettre en avant la diversité et l’impact des recherches menées par notre corps professoral dans un large éventail de domaines. Nos membres du corps professoral sont engagés dans l’avancement des connaissances dans leurs spécialités respectives, et nous sommes fiers de l’influence de leur travail tant au niveau local qu’international.

Au SBA, nous considérons que la recherche académique est un élément clé de l’excellence académique, et nous encourageons et soutenons nos enseignants à poursuivre leurs intérêts de recherche avec passion et dévouement. En conséquence, notre production de recherche est aussi riche et variée que notre corps professoral, couvrant des domaines allant de la finance à la gestion, du marketing à la durabilité, des systèmes d’information à l’économie, tout en mettant un accent particulier sur l’impact local des recherches.

Word cloud of the research interests of SBA faculty

Aperçu en quelques mots des axes de recherche de notre corps professoral

Les membres de notre corps professoral publient régulièrement leurs travaux de recherche dans des revues internationales soumises à un comité de lecture, présentent leurs travaux et recherches lors de conférences internationales et contribuent à la rédaction de chapitres de livres et de volumes édités. Le dynamisme de nos travaux de recherche reflète notre engagement en faveur d'une approche interdisciplinaire propice à la collaboration et à la pollinisation croisée des idées.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un échantillon indicatif de certains de nos travaux de recherche récents qui donnent un aperçu de la diversité des recherches menées à la SBA et qui se concentrent sur les défis nationaux/régionaux.

Liste des publications de la SBA

Finance et comptabilité

• Almustafa, H., Jabbouri, I., & Kijkasiwat, P. (2023). "Economic Policy Uncertainty, Financial Leverage, and Corporate Investment: Evidence from U.S. Firms" Economies 11, no. 2: 37.

• Jabbouri, I, Satt, H., Azzouzi. O, and Naili. M (2022). Working capital management and firm performance nexus in emerging markets: do financial constraints matter?. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences,

• Farooq, O., Satt, H., Bendriouch, F. Z., & Lamiri, D. (2021). Dividend policy and the downside risk in stock prices: evidence from the MENA region. The Journal of Risk Finance.

• Sarah Henseler, Mary Grace Neville & Hind Lebdaoui (2023): American and Moroccan undergraduates encounter religious difference: an exploratory study, Journal of Beliefs & Values, DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2023.2180721 (Q1; SSCI)

• Chedad, K., Boukir, A., Chaabi, S., Aguenaou, S., Abrache, J. (2022). Financial Performance and Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Morocco: A Structural Equation Model. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 12(1), 51-57.

• Benhayoun, I., (2021). Pratique De La Comptabilité Des Sociétés Au Maroc (Practices Of Corporate Accounting In Morocco). 1ère Édition (1st Ed), Meknes :Maroc (Morocco)

• Tazi, O., Aguenaou, S., Abrache, J. (2022). A Comparative Study of the Fama-French Three Factor and the Carhart Four Factor Models: Empirical Evidence from Morocco  International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 12(1), 58-66.

• Benhayoun, I., Zejjari, I., (2022). The diffusion of innovations' theory shortfall in accounting standardization research: The case of IFRS for SMEs. Revue Marocaine de Gestion et de Société. 1 (1), 22-57.

• Zejjari, I., Benhayoun, I., (2022). Pourquoi L’elite Marocaine Prefere Les Chaussures D’origine Etrangere? Exploration Des Valeurs Personnelles Par Les Chainages Cognitifs. Revue Management Innovation. 5 (1), 135-152. (Indexé Cairns)

Gestion, développement durable et systèmes d'information

• Junglas, I., Goel, L., Rehm, S. V., & Ives, B. (2022). On the benefits of consumer IT in the workplace—An IT empowerment perspective. International Journal of Information Management, 64, 102478.

• Lui, T. W., & Goel, L. (2022). Learning effectiveness of 3D virtual reality in hospitality training: a situated cognitive perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology.

• Jabbouri, I., Jabbouri, R., Bahoum, K., Elhajjaji, Y. (2022). E-commerce adoption among Moroccan agricultural cooperatives: Between structural challenges and immense business performance potential. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.

• Naudé, P., Osbaldeston, M, and ELGarah, W. (2023). An emerging market perspective on the internationalization of business schools. EFMD Global Focus.

• "ElGarah, W., ElMahdi, A. (2020). Business Ethics Education in Morocco In Noha ElBassiony et al. Ethics, CSR and Sustainability (ECSRS) Education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region: Conceptualization, Contextualization, and Empirical. Routledge, GVV Series (2020).

• ElGarah, W. and Achchakour, H. (2021). Effect of ERP Usage on Transparency, Ethical Work Climate and Organizational Performance. MENACIS Conference Proceedings, Agadir, Morocco.

• Sandy, A. (2023). Implementing Anti - Crisis Management in Agricultural Sector of Morocco During the Consequence of the Pandemic. Impact of COVID-19 on Agriculture Sector - Book Chapter (ICAS-2023). Green Economic Institute.

• Sandy, A., (2022). The 5th International Conference on Advanced Research in Management, Business and Finance (ICMBF). Data Analytics though Blockchain Technology - Reshaping the Future of Supply Chain. Athens, Greece, October 21, 2022.

• Sarhani, M., Voß, S., & Jovanovic, R. (2022). Initialization of metaheuristics: comprehensive review, critical analysis, and research directions. International Transactions in Operational Research.

• Ikram, M., Ferasso, M., Sroufe, R., & Zhang, Q. (2021). Assessing green technology indicators for cleaner production and sustainable investments in a developing country context. Journal of Cleaner Production, 322, 129090.

• Ikram, M., Zhang, Q., Sroufe, R., & Shah, S. Z. A. (2020). Towards a sustainable environment: The nexus between ISO 14001, renewable energy consumption, access to electricity, agriculture and CO2 emissions in SAARC countries. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 22, 218-230.

• Ikram, M., & Sayagh, Y. (2023). The Consequences of COVID-19 Disruption on Sustainable Economy in the Top 30 High-Tech Innovative Countries. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 1-23.

• Zineb, A., Zineb, F., & Ikram, M. (2022). Effects of COVID-19 on Population, Economic Growth, Logistics Performance, and Quality Management in Africa: Grey Relational Analysis. International Journal of Grey Systems, 2(2), 18-33.

Économie et gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement

• Ahunov, M., Ozsoy, O.  (2022), "Hedonic housing values in a transition economy: the case of Tashkent", International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

• Özsoy, O. and Şahin, H. (2022), "Factors affecting housing prices in Izmir, Turkey: a quantile regression approach", International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 15(1), pp. 145-164.

• Doğanlar, M., Mike, F., Kızılkaya, O., & Karlılar, S. (2021). Testing the long-run effects of economic growth, financial development and energy consumption on CO2 emissions in Turkey: new evidence from RALS cointegration test. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(25), 32554-32563.

• Akaaboune, A. (2022), Blood Demand Forecasting in a Healthcare Supply Chain Using Neural Network, the International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, Houston Texas, US.

• Akaaboune, A., Zineddine, M., (2021), Novel Approaches For Statistical Process Control Chart Pattern Recognition, the International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, Houston Texas, US.

• Hammoud, R., ElGarah, W., & Bouarich, B. (2022). Internship in the Time of COVID-19. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 50, pp-pp.

• Bachleda, C., Fakhar, A., Slimani, S., El Garah, W. (2014). The outdoor leisure behaviour of Moroccan public sector workers. Leisure/Loisir: Journal of the Canadian Association for Leisure Studies, Volume 38 Issue 1, p53-72.


• Chetioui, Y., Satt, H., Lebdaoui, H., Baijou, M., Dassouli, S., & Katona, S. (2023). Antecedents of giving charitable donations (Sadaqah) during the COVID-19 pandemic: does Islamic religiosity matter?. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(5), 1169-1187. (B-Journal; Q2)

• Chetioui, Y., Lebdaoui, H., & Hafid, N. (2023). Mobile banking usage in the postpandemic era: Demystifying the disparities among divergent user segments in a majority-Muslim country. Journal of Islamic Marketing. Ahead of print. (B-Journal; Q2)

• Zejjari, I., Berrada, A., Benhayoun, I. (2020). The Country of Origin effects on Moroccan elite consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention towards hedonic product. International Journal of Business and Technology Studies and Research. 1(3), 2-7.

• Chetioui, Y., Butt, I., Fathani, A., & Lebdaoui, H. (2023). Organic food and Instagram health and wellbeing influencers: an emerging country's perspective with gender as a moderator. British Food Journal, 125(4), 1181-1205. (B-Journal; Q2)

• Abouhazim, K. (2020). Mariage et consommation: approche ethnologique et recommandations marketing (Doctoral dissertation, Normandie Université).

• Hassouni, M., Bouchiba, A. B., & Chakor, A. (2017). The Influence Of Social Media On University Students: An Application Of The Theory Of Planned Behavior. Revue Marocaine De Recherche En Management Et Marketing, 2(17), 429-448.

• EL Bouchikhi, Y (2023). Watching ASMR Videos: A Measurement Scale Development and Explanatory Model Proposition, IFM 2023, Madeira, Portugal.

• EL Bouchikhi, Y (2022). “Financial Collapsology, Doom scrolling Narratives and Coping Strategies: A Netnographic Investigation”, EIRD, 11th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Economics, Business, Technology and Social Sciences 2022, Prague, Czech Republic.

• EL Bouchikhi, Y., Guiot D. (2018). Slow fashion consumption among young French customers: a structural explanatory model. The 47th Annual Conference for the European Marketing Academy (EMAC 2018), Glasgow, United Kingdom.

Cette section a été mise à jour le 12 mai 2023, d'autres mises à jour sont à venir.

• Abrache, J.,Bekkaoui, Z., Harroud, H., Aouam, T.,. (2008). A Generic Electronic Marketplace Platform: Application to e-Tourism. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Workshop of HP Software University Association, pages 223-228.

• Abrache, J .Bekkaoui, Z., Harroud, H., Aouam, T.,. (2008). A Generic Electronic Marketplace Platform: Application to e-Tourism. Presentation at the Journées d’Informatique et Mathématiques Décisionnelles, JIMD’2, Rabat, July 2008.

• Abrache, J, Boulmalf, M., Aouam, T., Harroud, H. (2009). Traffic Analysis for GSM Networks. Accepted in the 7th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA-2009).

• Aguenaou, “Determinant of Trading Volume for cross listed euribor futures contract”, European Journal of Finance

• Derrabi, M & Leseure, M, (2009) “Credit Terms Management: Analysis of Inter enterprise loan in Morocco”, Journal of International Finance and Economics, Forthcoming, May 2009, ISSN: 1555-6336,

• Derrabi, M, (2009), “Price Discovery, Trading Costs and Insider Trading: Evidence from a Thin Emerging Market”, Journal of Economics and International Finance, June 2009 forthcoming

• Derrabi, M & Leseure M (2007) “Compromise Management: Proposed Tool For Managing Tradeoffs, Journal of Studies in Business and Economics, volume 13, No.1, May 2007

• Derrabi, M (2008) “ Environnement et Perspectives Economiques au Maroc” Perspectives économiques en Afrique ISBN: 9789264046450  OCDE 2008.

• Derrabi, M. (2007) “ Macroeconomic conditions and performance in Morocco”, African Economic Outlook 2006/2007, OECD African Development Bank, Published by OECD Publishing, 2007ISBN 9264033130, 9789264033139,

• Derrabi, M & Leseure M (2004)“Global Asset Allocation: Risk and Return trade-off on Emerging Stock Markets”, , Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, UK, December 2004

• Derrabi, M & Leseure M “Credit Term Management : A Trial to Modeling Firms’ Behavior”, 4 th Global Conference on Business and Economics proceeding, Oxford , England , June 26-28, 2005.

 • Driouchi, A., Derrabi, M. & E.Azelmad, "Essaouira: Economics & Impacts of Tourism", “Book” 2002:AUI Publications, ISBN 9954-413-14-6

• Derrabi, M & Leseure M (2002) “Inter-enterprises loan, theory and practice”, L’économiste, September 2002

• Farooq, “The Effect of 9/11 on the Stock Market Volatility Dynamics: Empirical Evidence from a Front Line State”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue. 16, pp. 71-83.

• Farooq, “Can individual investors infer valuable information from institutional investors trades”, Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, Forthcoming

• Ghouma, H. (2008), “How Do Regulation Changes Impact the Bondholders’ Perception of Auditor Choice and Managerial Ownership? Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Adoption.” International

• Management Review, Vol. 4 No. 2, p. 30.

• Ghouma, “Managerial Opportunism Cost of Debt Financing and Regulation Change” paper presented at the Asian Academic Accounting Association Conference

• Hamelin, N., Nassali, A. and Harcar, T. (2009). Determining Churn Drivers in Morrocan Telecom Sector, Business Research Yearbook, Volume XVI, Number 2, pp.573-578.

• Nicolas Hamelin, Talha Harcar, Zineb Maïmmadi, Understanding the Moroccan Consumer Behavior to Improve Retailers Queuing System, Advance in global Management Development, Volume XVIII-2009, pp177-182.

• Harcar, T. and Heintz, C. (2009). A Conceptual Framework Determining Factors Affecting Attitudes towards Organic Food Consumption, Business Research Yearbook, Volume XVI, Number 2, pp.579-584.

Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture

• Hooreman, R.W., “The INTOSAI-framework (International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions), versus commercial IFRS-reporting (International Financial Reporting Standards),” International Journal of Government Auditing, Submitted.

• Hooreman, R.W., “Competence Development of Controllers,” Maandblad voor accountancy en bedrijfseconomie [Journal of accountancy and business economics (Dutch)], 4, 2007.

• Hooreman, R.W., Kommers, P.A.M., Jochems, W.M.G., “Effects of Synchronous Coaching,” International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 18(3), 338-350, 2008.

• Hooreman, R.W., Derrabi, M. Financial Audit Skill Development of Junior Auditors, Issues in Accounting Education, in progress.

Documents de travail

• Hooreman, R.W., “De effecten van de invoering van de IFRS op de waardebepaling van goodwill” [The Effects of First Time IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) Adoption on the Impairment of Goodwill in the Netherlands], Leiden, Leiden University, 2006.

• Hooreman, R.W., “Waardebepaling van goodwill bij non-profit organisaties” [Valuation of Goodwill by Non-Profit Organizations], Tilburg, Fontys University, 2006.

• Hooreman, R.W., & Kommers, P.A.M., Synchronone coaching bij de werkvorm samenwerkend leren [Synchronous Collaboration], Project Active Audience, 2007.

• Hooreman, R.W., “Een vergelijking tussen het INTOSAI-framework en de IFRS-benadering” [The INTOSAI-Framework (International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions) compared to the IFRS

•Approach (International Financial Reporting Standards), The Netherlands Court of Audit, 2008.
Koubida "An analysis of tourism in Morocco:  competitiveness and market”, paper will be presented, at the Academy of International Business midwest- MBAA meetings, in the third week of March.  The conference will be held in Chicago.

• Lahrech, A (2009) ' The impacts of US and Canadian Fundamentals on Canadian Stock Market', Journal of Money, Investment, and Banking, Issue 7, pp 59-74

• Lahrech, A. Boujir, “Morocco and US Equity Markets linkage after FTA signature for International Portfolio Diversification”, International Research journal of Finance and Economics

Séries de documents de recherche

24 - Country Risk Assessment: Facts and Methods, by Selected MBA students

17 - Process improvement of Crystal pendants, by Hicham TALBI

14 - The Chaouia Bois: Business Plan, by Hicham SAFI-EDDINE

11 - Microfinancing, the Poor, and Sustainable Economic Development: The Case of Morocco, by Fatima-Zohra ALAOUI MOUSTAIN

8 - Women in the Moroccan Economy: Employees, Self-Employed, by Maryem BIADILLAH

5 - Securitization: A Descriptive Overview and Applications in Morocco, by Ilias BENMOUSSA

2 - Analysis of Bad Loans in Morocco Hadj,  by Driss BENCHAIB

Lorem Ipsum

A place where inspiration finds you