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International Experience

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Step out of your comfort zone

Immerse yourself in global experiences that will shape you as a person

The Office of International Programs (OIP) strives to expand the university's international reach, connecting students and faculty with valuable global opportunities while fostering a culture of understanding.

It is dedicated to coordinating educational programs abroad as well as cultivating strong connections between the university and other top institutions around the world - broadening perspectives through meaningful experiences that contribute toward fulfilling its mission.

Internationalization is a living concept that evolves with the participation of every administrative and academic entity. The Office of International Programs strategically unites existing resources to create an infrastructure for enriching global learning opportunities - from intercultural engagement initiatives to comprehensive education experiences abroad.

Incoming Students

AUI is enthusiastic about welcoming international students to pursue the educational opportunities available. For those seeking credit-bearing programs there are three options from which to choose. 

Outgoing students

AUI is enthusiastic about welcoming international students to pursue the educational opportunities available. For those seeking credit-bearing programs there are three options from which to choose. 

Presidential Internship Program

Reach out and network with top tier liberal arts college graduates from across the globe

A Network of leading minds

The Presidential Internship Program (PiP) at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane provides a unique opportunity for recent graduates worldwide to gain valuable professional experience, and learn about Moroccan culture and language, all while working in the stunning Middle Atlas Mountains of Morocco.

The program was launched in 2016 with an array of full-time positions available within various departments across the university, tailored to match interns' personal interests and qualifications. PiP offers participants not only invaluable vocational training but also life-enriching experiences that last far beyond their stay on campus.

The Presidential Internship Program offers an excellent opportunity for foreign graduates who have completed their undergraduate degree outside of Morocco. This unique internship gives individuals the chance to explore Ifrane and experience Middle Eastern culture together with its language in a professional setting - all while enjoying some great perks!

Internationalization Outcomes

Internationalization supports student growth in three key areas: Diversity, Leadership, and Autonomy

Ifrane AUI International Students


At AUI, we recognize the power of inclusion and support for individuals from a wide range of backgrounds.

By fostering an environment where everyone is welcome, regardless of age, nationality, disability status or religion among other characteristics; our campus community can work together to promote understanding while challenging inappropriate behavior in others.

AUI International Students Ifrane


Successful leadership starts with the ability to recognize, foster and utilize individual strengths.

By creating a culture of collaboration and empowerment among all members towards an inspiring goal or vision, leaders can effectively communicate roles while working together for long-term success.

AUI International Students Morocco


Those looking to take control of their own destiny have the power to do so through exercising autonomy.

Understanding the implications and stakes of decisions, being actively involved in problem-solving, and relying on available resources are all essential steps for empowerment.

Facts and figures

Al Akhawayn University Stands Out Among Its Peers With Impressive Numbers And Achievements


International partner universities in 86 countries


Graduating students spent at least one semester abroad


Faculty are internationals


Graduates Working in Morocco and 20 Countries

Working together on a global scale

Share your knowledge with students around the world

Global Affiliations

AUI's commitment to its international mission has seen it forge a number of strategic affiliations with higher education networks around the world. Through mutually-beneficial Memorandums of Understanding and various avenues for collaboration, these partnerships enable exchange between AUI students, faculty, and staff. As such, solid foundations are laid for collective growth that span across borders.

Faculty, Staff and Researchers

A collective powerhouse in their respective fields

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AUI first year experience program

Faculty-led and custom programs

Through AUI, students have the unique opportunity to collaborate with their peers and a faculty mentor on an approved educational program. This interactive learning environment allows them to gain valuable knowledge while deepening their understanding of existing theories in the field.

Faculty members interested in leading an abroad program need to work with their International Office before seeking further assistance from Al Akhawayn's esteemed Office of International Programs or a faculty member at AUI. This office is uniquely suited for aiding programs through the logistics and budgeting process, ensuring successful collaboration between institutions worldwide.


Are You Curious To Learn More? Reach Out And We Can Help Fill In The Details.

Brian Seilstad AUI University

Director for Internationalization & Partnership

+212 535 862 905

Abderrafie El Maktoub
Abderrafie EL MAKTOUB

Administrative Assistant


+212 535 86 2010

Inbound Study Abroad Advisor

+212 535 86 2056
Youssef Sayagh
Youssef Sayagh

Outbound Study Abroad Advisor

+212 535 86 2065
Asmae El Mahdi
Asmae El Mahdi

Partnerships and Sponsored Projects Coordinator

+212 535 86 2270
Dr. Cherif Belfekih
Dr. Cherif Belfekih

Executive Director for Institutional Research and Effectiveness•OIRE

+212 535 86 21 25
Imad Ghomri
Imad Ghomri

Data Analyst • OIRE

+212 535 86 3176