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Language Center

Acquire competence in English, French, and Arabic

Choose your tailor-made language training program

We place a great deal of importance on languages by requiring competence in English, French, and Arabic (taught in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences) for graduation.

That is why we seek to equip eligible students with the language skills necessary for success in their academic studies using materials that promote global multicultural awareness and provide tailor-made language training programs for the AUI community and other clients.

Unlock the power of success at AUI's Language Center

Maximize your language proficiency with custom training plans

Language Center Mission

Our Mission

The Language Center seeks:

  • To equip eligible students with the language skills necessary for success in their academic studies using materials that promote global multicultural awareness;
  • To provide tailor-made language training programs for the AUI community and other clients.

With the fostering of student learning as its primary focus, the LC provides courses and extracurricular activities designed to develop the four language skills while integrating grammar and vocabulary in a learner-centered environment.

The LC faculty is experienced, culturally diverse, and committed to professional development.  The use of modern technology and authentic materials contributes to an effective teaching/learning environment where students acquire not only the mechanics of the language but also the ability to use it in authentic contexts.

Language Center Vision

Our Vision

The vision of the Language Center is for it to be a role model for language institutions in the Middle East and Africa.  The LC wants to be known among students, parents, and educators for providing a stimulating academic environment and a challenging student-centered curriculum that motivates, challenges and educates all students.

Language Center Values

Our Values

  • Excellence
  • Equity
  • Transparency
  • Equal opportunity
  • Collaboration
AUI Language Center Accreditation


As part of its continual quest for improvement and quality assurance, Al Akhawayn University has been working on accreditation, both programmatic and institutional, for several years.

In December 2009, the Language Center was accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation, CEA.

In 2014, the Intensive English Program, which is the core program of the Center, received reaccreditation for a ten-year period from August 2014 to August 2024.

In 2024, the LC-IEP has been granted a second renewal of CEA accreditation, valid from August 2024 to August 2034.

English for Staff Program Language Center AUI

English for Staff Program

The English for Staff (EFS) program for Faculty and Staff at Al Akhawayn University seeks to introduce adult learners to a structured program of English as a foreign language so they can further develop their practical English language skills for the workplace setting.

The EFS program is based on an integrated-skills approach that aims to support mature adult learners in acquiring and using English clearly, accurately, and communicatively with colleagues at work and with the general English-speaking public.

This program aims to answer the needs of faculty and staff and consists of courses of 45 hours each ranging from low beginner to advanced level.

General Academic Expectations

General Academic Expectations

Language Center English courses, while pre-academic and non-credit, are essential to improving a student’s English level and lay the foundation for a successful academic career. The following are general expectations and guidelines for Language Center students.


Being in class is a requirement for all Language Center students due to the assumption that language development happens best through daily, communicative practice. Thus, the attendance policy of the Language Center allows a total of seven eight absences per courses that meet on a daily basis (AWG), and five six absences for courses that meet three times a week (ARD and ALS), per semester, beginning on the first day of classes. 


Students can expect to spend a minimum of one hour each day preparing for each course. In the Al Akhawayn system, instructors expect language students to submit homework regularly, to be prepared every day, and to volunteer and participate actively in class. Students placed in the Super Intensive English Program will have to double the effort to meet the Language Center requirement in one semester. Thus, they are expected to work on their own a minimum of 15 hours per week.

Assessment and Evaluation

Instructors may give announced and unannounced tests on material for the day to see whether or not students have prepared for class. It is also commonplace for instructors to deliver a variety of quizzes and other assessments throughout the semester to promote and assist student learning.  Finally, each course has a midterm and final examination.

Academic Honesty

Honesty in all work is taken very seriously at Al Akhawayn University.

Cheating on Exams

All attempts at cheating on tests of any kind will result in disciplinary action being taken against the individual(s) concerned. Students caught cheating will be called before the university’s Disciplinary Committee which will decide on the action to be taken. Students may have their examination scores canceled or, in serious cases, be suspended or expelled from the university.  Cheating in examinations adversely affects the credibility of the university’s degrees and the reputation of the institution nationally and internationally.

Plagiarism:  Cheating on Written Work

A student’s written work must be his/her own.  Thus, the Language Center takes great care to ensure that students do not take work from the Internet, published sources, or other students and present that work as their own.  The Language Center uses (, an Internet-based website that searches student work for plagiarism.  In addition, teachers who suspect that the written work is not the student's may call that work into question.  Finally, if a student is caught and proven to have plagiarized, they will face sanctions ranging from a reduced grade on the individual assignment to a WF for the course or even expulsion from the university.

Perks and benefits of being an Honors’ Student

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AUI background image

Need more information?

Our team is always available to help you.

Karim Achibat AUI Language Center
Karim Achibat


Building: 8
Room: 6

Karima Maazouz AUI Language Center
Karima Maazouz

Administrative Assistant

Office number: 5
Building: 8
8:30 am - 5:30 pm


Accreditation is the seal of approval for an institution’s overall excellence.