As part of the activities planned by Al Akhawayn University for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, through the slogan "16 Days of Activism" from November 25 to December 10, 2024, coinciding with International Human Rights Day, the Azrou Center for Community Development organized a scientific conference on Friday, December 6, 2024. During this event, speakers addressed the issue of violence against women from various perspectives. This issue has become a global concern, regardless of religion, race, or geographic location. The speakers discussed the phenomenon from psychological, physical, religious, and legal viewpoints, among others. They particularly emphasized the importance of eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against women, which have a profound impact on their mental health, limit their productivity, and hinder their ability to reach their full potential. Additionally, the speakers highlighted the negative impact of this scourge, which increasingly threatens the existence and dignity of women. Several beneficiaries (both men and women) from the Center, including external participants, attended this conference, which held great socio-educational significance. They realized that raising awareness in various ways and by all possible means always contributes to reducing this phenomenon, of which 82.6% of women in Morocco have been victims of violence.