GLAA is an international partnership of colleges and universities advancing liberal arts education within the contexts of its member institutions. The Alliance fosters a community of institutional leaders, faculty, staff, and students to address the pressing intellectual, social, political, educational, and cultural issues of the highly globalized twenty-first century.*
The Alliance was founded in fulfills its mission by:
- Strengthening the ability of our liberal arts institutions to operate effectively and globally; and,
- Facilitating global course, curricular, co-curricular connections, and scholarly activities among our institutions, and the mobility of students, faculty, staff, and leadership within the Alliance network.
The advisory group of presidents and chief academic officers provides feedback and advice to the GLCA president and staff in between GLAA leadership meetings.
On this occasion, President Bensaid said: “I am honored to serve on the Advisory Group of the Global Liberal Arts Alliance, the strongest international alliance to support Liberal Arts education around the world. Al Akhawayn university has developed a national and international reputation thanks to its unique model centered on the North American liberal arts system that places students at the heart of its raison d'être. It will continue to foster its position as a pioneer of higher education in Morocco and Africa that best serves the Education of the twenty-first century."
For information, President Bensaid was nominated to the Board of Directors of the American Council of Independent Colleges (CIC). This is the premier organization worldwide that advances excellence in universities focused - beyond skills - on the success and fulfillment of the student as a human, on ways to think, develop, and be an active citizen and participant in the development and betterment of one's society.