Over 40 AUI students dialogued with Morocco's Minister of Digital Transformation Her Excellency Ghita Mezzour about Morocco's strategies for digital development in Rabat as part of Rabat Networking Days. These Masters and Bachelors students also enjoyed candid dialogues with the Ambassadrice Isabel Valois of Canada. Students and SHSS Professor Massimo Ramaioli were honored guests at the personal residence of Irish Ambassador James McIntyre who discussed Ireland's history in peace making.
Deborah Bartlett, Chief Employability Officer, explained "Rabat Networking Days equip AUI's students to discover careers in Diplomacy, NGO's and private sector. Our masters and bachelors in SHSS have discovered that their degrees do not decide their careers. All degrees may lead to fulfilling careers in Rabat. For these two days, our SHSS, SBA and SSE students met with diplomats, a minister, public administration, entrepreneurs, NGO's and toured Parliament plus a Youth Center sponsored by Ministry of Youth and Sports. They dialogued with German and American political advocacy groups plus met with a sustainable climate change NGO. The broad range of experiences are designed to equip AUI'rs to build their network in Rabat as they continue their research and career searches."
Over 11 organizations were visited during Rabat Networking Days 3rd Edition plus an evening networking event attended by Dean Asma Abbas hosting 50 hiring managers seeking AUI profiles.