AUI's first alumni, Julianne Furman, MBA 1996, Country Director for Polydesign Exco Automotive Solutions in Tangier Free Zone (TFZ) and her leadership team hosted a Team of Engineering Faculty and Students to tour their state-of-the-art industrial plant in the TFZ.
Opened in 2001, Polydesign has over 1600 employees and 20,000 M2 supporting the automotive industry's interior design work. Ms. Furman explained "Polydesign is a pioneer in the industry and in Morocco. We were one of the first in the TFZ to open and continue to pioneer with TFZ's first and largest solar capability to power our plant and innovative HR policies to keep our employees motivated and engaged."
AUI's team of engineering faculty, staff, and led by Chief Employability Officer Deborah Bartlett, brainstormed ideas for research and collaboration in the future. Future projects include hosting students for Capstone projects to solve short-term needs, hosting faculty research for strategic needs, engaging Executive Education for developing future managers, and offering Co-Ops for future student groups.