Dr Yousra Chtouki Assistant professor from SSE along with Dr Nabil Benamar Adjunct professor have co supervised a research paper with Undergraduate SSE engineering students Basma Jaafar, Hamza Kamal and Fatima Zahra Belhadj. The paper entitled “On the Management of Universities Exchange Programs: A Decision Aid Case Study” https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-26852-6_38
The case study was a result of the students’ data analysis project implemented on AUI’s data provided by the office of international programs. The paper was presented in the IEEE Data Analysis conference ICdata22 back in May 2022 https://www.medi-ast.org/DATA2022/ , later submitted and accepted as a valuable addition to be included in the Springer eBook titled Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 6 pp 404–414 in March 2023.