Dr. Muhammad Ikram, Assistant Professor at the AUI School of Business Administration (SBA), has been ranked #142 in the list of top researchers in Morocco and #1 on the Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane researcher list. This list for the year 2022 has been released by the AD Scientific Index. The AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index), unlike other systems that provide evaluations of journals and universities, is a ranking and analysis system based on the scientific performance and the added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists. Furthermore, it provides rankings of institutions based on the scientific characteristics of affiliated scientists.
Dr. Muhammad Ikram has previously been awarded best researcher twice during his Ph.D. and Postdoctorate careers. Dr. Ikram has published 45 research articles in international top leading journals. One of his papers was indexed in the Essential Social Indicator (ESI) database. We congratulate Dr. Ikram for his high research productivity and significant contribution to the research community.
More details can be found at: https://www.adscientificindex.com/?university=Al+Akhawayn+University+Ifrane