Al Akhawayn University President, Dr. Amine Bensaïd has been appointed, by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, as a member of the Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research. A statement from the Royal Cabinet stated, "King Mohammed VI has kindly appointed the members of the Higher Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research, whom the law regulating this council gives His Majesty the right to appoint."
According to Royal Cabinet, this appointment by His Majesty concerns twenty members from the category of experts and specialists, recognized for their expertise and competence in the fields of education, training, scientific research and culture, while taking into account diversity and complementarity between specialties.
The Royal appointment concerns:
Jamil Salmi, Amina Lemrini El Ouahabi, Amine Bensaïd, Youssef Saadani Hassani, Assia Akesbi Msefer, Mohamed Sghir Janjar, Hamid Bouchikhi Mohamed Bernoussi, Aïcha El Hajjami, Laila Bensliman, Mokhtari Kouider, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Salah El Ouadie, Fouad Chafiki, Jamal Belahrech, Moulay Driss Alaoui, Mohamed Amine Sbihi, Mohamed Slassi Sennou, Rachid Benzine, Fatima Zahra Biaz.
The Royal Cabinet’s statement added: “These royal appointments come after His Majesty the King, may God bless him, appointed Mr. Habib Al-Maliki as President of the Council, and aims at renewing the composition of this advisory institution, and enabling it to carry out the missions entrusted to it by the constitution, especially through expressing opinions on public policies concerning Education, training and scientific research, and the evaluation of public policies and programs in this crucial sector, in order to improve the Moroccan School, provide quality education for all, and achieve equity and equal opportunities in this area."
The Royal Cabinet’s statement also added: “In addition to the category of members appointed to their position, which consists of members of the government concerned with this sector, and representatives of some national bodies and institutions, the composition of the Supreme Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research also includes two members from each of the two houses of parliament, as well as representatives of educational labor unions, and other members appointed by the Prime Minister in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the law regulating this council."
Congratulations to our President!