I’m excited to share the publication of a new book titled Language, Learning, and Educational Development: Perspectives from Morocco, Benin, and Lebanon, published by Al Akhawayn University Press.
I kindly request your assistance in publishing an announcement about this release on the AUI website, along with sharing the PDF format of the book.
This volume consists of 15 articles:
1. Educational Reform and Policy
EZZAKI, Abdelkader
- « A l’école, c’est en classe que tout se passe ! » : Pour un meilleur suivi de la « Qualité » de l’éducation au Maroc
- Assessing Distance Learning in Moroccan Higher Education: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Possibility of Institutionalization
MOUNA Khalid
- Ethnographie de classe : Étude d’apprentissage au sein de l’école au Maroc
LAHMAR Abdelaziz
- Building schools’ capacity as learning organizations: Cultural challenges for the education system in Morocco
2. Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics :
HASNI Abdelkrim
- Les sciences à l’école : Les enjeux de la formation pour le 21e siècle.
BEN RHERBAL Abderrahmane, RIOUX Miranda, et SALMI Khalid
- Vers un enseignement fondé sur les STEM : Pratiques déclarées d'enseignants du Maroc
ANAGO Didier, AKOUETE OUNSINOU Florentine, ALLADATIN Judicaël et OKE Eugène
- Perspective d’amélioration de l’enseignement-apprentissage de la mécanique dans le cycle secondaire au Bénin
CHAKIB Abdellatif et TALBI Mohammed
- Enjeux de la Démarche d’Investigation (DI) adoptée à l’enseignement d’Éveil scientifique (ES) au cycle primaire Marocain : Difficultés et solutions. CAVALLI-SFORZA Violetta and NASSIRI Naoual
- Next Steps for Arabic Readability Assessment
- Discussing the Benefits and Pitfalls of ChatGPT Used among Higher Education Researchers: A Comparative Study
3. Teacher Training and Professional Development
- Post-COVID Teachers’ Digital Literacy: Empirical Insights from Moroccan Secondary Schools
BIBI Hoda Husseini
- Teacher Preparation over 30 Years
ELBOUSSAIDI Fatimazahra, ZOHRI Abdelaziz, and ELMESKI Mohammed
- Continuous professional development in Morocco: A Teachers’ needs Analysis.
ELMESKI Mohammed
- Leadership on the Frontlines: Harnessing the Sciences of Implementation and Improvement to Strengthen Teacher Support in Africa.
- Collaborative Leadership in Building Resilience during Times of Crisis: Perceptions from Moroccan Higher Education Institutions