Dr. Muhammad Ikram, assistant professor at the AUI School of Business Administration, is ranked in the top 2% of scientists in the world as published by Elsevier/Stanford University, USA. This is an additional honor as Dr. Ikram is the only researcher in the Management & Business field in Morocco.
Scientists are classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields. Field and subfield-specific percentiles are also provided for all scientists with at least 5 papers. The selection is based on the top 100,000 scientists by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above in the sub-field. 195,605 scientists are included in the career-long database and 200,409 scientists are included in the single recent year dataset. This version (4) is based on the Sept 1, 2022, snapshot from Scopus, updated to end of the citation year 2021. This work uses Scopus data provided by Elsevier through ICSR Lab (https://www.elsevier.com/icsr/icsrlab).
Citation: Ioannidis, John P.A. (2022), “September 2022 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"”, Mendeley Data, V4, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.4