Catherine Therrien
School - School of Humanities and Social Sciences Employment Status - Part-Time Office - Building 8, Office No. 101 Office hours - TBA Office extension - (+212) 535-863-700Dr. Therrien is a Canadian anthropologist living in Morocco since 2001 and has been an adjunct professor at Al Akhawayn University of Ifrane (AUI) since 2014. Her research focuses mainly on identity, mixedness, family, migration and transnationalism. She obtained her PhD in anthropology at the Université de Montréal in 2010.
Her thesis, which focused on mixed couples in the Moroccan context, also inspired her book, « En voyage chez soi, trajectoires de couples mixtes au Maroc » (https://www.pulaval.com/produit/en-voyage-chez-soi-trajectoires-de-couples-mixtes-au-maroc) published by the PUL in 2014. The funding obtained from the Programme Ibn Khaldoun d’appui à la recherche Scientifique dans le domaine des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (2020-2023) allows her to carry out a longitudinal study focusing on the descendants of mixed couples. Thanks to funds obtained from the MIM-Amerm program (2014-2015 / 2016-2017), she has been carrying out studies on North-South mobility and in particular on the migration of French (http://lacroiseedeschemins.ma/produit/la-migration-des-francais-au-marocentre-proximite-et-ambivalence/) and Spanish (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13629387.2020.1800205) migrants in Morocco. Recently, she has also developed an interest for South-South mobility, and in particular that of sub-Saharan African migrants.
Her latest book « Celui qui échoue devient sorcier. Parcours d’un migrant camerounais parti d’Afrique et arrivé… en Afrique » was published in 2019 by the PUL. She recently co-edited a collective book entitled « Mixed families in a Transnational World » with Josiane Le Gall and Karine Geoffrion. With a research team from Al Akhawayn University (with Dr. Kenza Oumlil), she recently received funding from the H-2020 program of the European Union (2021-2025) (https://ithacahorizon.eu/), and by using a multidisciplinary approach (anthropology, history, communication) they will examine the question of migration narratives. Some of her contributions have been published in international scientific journals such as Social Compass, Hespéris-Tamuda, The Journal of North African studies, Anthropologie et Société.