![Picture of Fatima-Zahra Bendriouch](https://25719561.fs1.hubspotusercontent-eu1.net/hub/25719561/hubfs/Faculty/Fatima%20Zahra%20Bendriouch.jpg?width=385&height=385&name=Fatima%20Zahra%20Bendriouch.jpg)
Fatima-Zahra Bendriouch
School - School of Humanities and Social Sciences Employment Status - Part-Time Office - N/A Office hours - TBA Office extension - N/A
Bendriouch Fatima Zahra is a lecturer in the school of humanities and social sciences at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane. Fatima Zahra is an AUI graduate (2018), with a master of business administration. She is currently pursuing her doctoral degree in Social Economics in Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah and will graduate in 2022. Her multidisciplinary interests range from the study of financial institutions to their social impact on different populations.