Sidi Driss Maghraoui
School - School of Humanities and Social Sciences Employment Status - Full-Time Office - Building 4, Office No. 10 Office hours - TBA Office extension - (+212) 535-862-460
Driss Maghraoui is Associate Professor of History and International Relations at AUI. Maghraoui is a founding member of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences and currently serves on its board of trustees, a founding member of the Rabat Social Studies Institute in Morocco, co-editor of Reforms in the Arab World: the Experience of Morocco, Mediterranean Politics, 2009, editor of Revisiting the Colonial Past in Morocco, 2013 by Routledge, and more recently co-editor with Noureddine Harrami and Khalid Mouna of L'immigration au Maroc: les défis de l'intégration, Fondation Heinrich Bölland Rabat Social Studies Institute, 2017. His publications are found in international academic journals and edited books, and his most recent publications include: “L’histoire-monde : perspectives, approches et concepts”, Mohamed V University, Hesperis, 2020. “Le Maroc comme « communauté imaginée » à travers le journal Al-Istiqlal 1950-1960” in Mohammed Kenbib (Ed.) Pour une Maison de l’histoire du Maroc, Académie du Royaume du Maroc, 2020. “ Privados De Poder Politico : El Partido de La Justicia Y El Desarrollo en En Marruecos, » in El Norte D Africa Y Oriente Medio, Una Decada Después de La Primavera Arabe, (Ed.) Carlos Garcia Rivero and Joanquin Martin Cubas, Tirent Lo Blanch, Valencia, 2020. “‘The Freedom of No Speech’: Journalists and the Multiple Layers of Authoritarian Practices in Morocco” in New Authoritarian Practices: State Control in the Middle East and North Africa, Edited by Ozgun Topak, Merouan Mekouar, Francesco Cavatorta, Forthcoming Edinburgh University Press, 2021. “The Ambiguity of Citizenship and the Quest for Rights in Morocco,” Handbook of Citizenship in the Middle East and North Africa, (Ed.) Roel Meijer, James N. Sater, Zahra R. Babar, Routledge, 2021.