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Counseling Services

Counseling Services

Connect with us today for assistance in overcoming any obstacles that may be hindering your progress toward achieving your goals

Education can be a source of both joy and challenge, with stress being an often unavoidable part of academic life. For many students it is manageable, but some may find themselves in need of assistance to reach their full potential.

That's where counseling comes into play. It provides short-term help for anyone struggling psychosocially or who needs support on the path towards personal growth and achieving success at school, all within the context of trustworthiness: counselors are open listeners without judgment and anything discussed remains confidential.

Our counselors are here for you

Counseling Services Appointment AUI University

Make an Appointment

The Counseling Services offices are:

1. In Building 6, room 108 (extension 2034).

Dr. Aure Veyssière
Full-Time Counselor
Please send an Email to: for an appointment

2. in Building 8b, room 309 (extension 2157).

Ghali Guissi (M.Psy)
Full-Time Counselor
Please send an Email to: for an appointment

3. in Building 8b, room 203 (extension 2100).

Imane Boukhare, M.Psy.
Full-Time Counselor
Please send an Email to: for an appointment

4. In Building 26, counseling room (ground floor, left hand side).

Dr. Rajaa eljarrafi
Please send an Email to:  for an appointment

Available Mondays afternoon.

Counseling Services Emergencies AUI University


Emergency situations are those in which a person poses a danger to themselves and/or others. If a student, for instance, discloses suicidal ideations or exhibits disruptive behavior, staff and faculty members will promptly call the health center at extension 2057 or security at 2222. The health center/security will then get in touch with the on-call counselor.

Emergency Numbers:
Health Center

• Phone extension 2057
• Hours of Operation
• Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 20:00
• Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 noon

Emergencies & After-Hours Care

• Men x555
• Women x3333


• 24-hour emergency phone numbers
• Off-Campus (0535) 86 2222
• On-Campus x2222
• Security & Safety Controller x2014
• Main Gate x2165


• Men’s Residence ext 555
• Women’s Residence ext 3333

Counseling Services Resources AUI Uni


Lorem Ipsum

A place where inspiration finds you

Students in Distress

Helping Students in Distress: A Guide for Faculty and Staff.

Many college students encounter academic, personal, and social stress during their educational experience. Most students cope successfully with the demands of college life and the interpersonal experiences and transitions that go along with it, but for some students, these difficulties can become overpowering and unmanageable.

Faculty and staff are frequently in the most direct position to identify students in distress. Moreover, staff and faculty are often perceived by students as the first point of contact in obtaining advice and support. Your expression of interest and concern may be critical in helping a student reestablish the emotional equilibrium necessary for academic success.

Recognizing distressed students

A referral for counseling can be made when you believe a student’s problems go beyond your experience and expertise, or when you feel uncomfortable helping a student with an issue. A referral may be made either because of the way the student’s problems are interfering with academics or with your teaching or because observation of the student’s personal behavior raises concerns apart from academic work.

At one time or another, everyone feels upset. However, when some of the following are present, the student is probably in distress:

  • Noticeable decline in quality of work or writing and class participation; increased absences, tardiness, or failure to turn in work
  • The prolonged appearance of depression (e.g., sad expression, apathy, tearfulness, distractibility, weight loss)
  • Nervousness, agitation, irritability, aggressiveness, non-stop talking
  • Bizarre behavior or speech
  • Extreme dependency on faculty or staff, including spending much time visiting during office hours or other times
  • Marked change in personal hygiene
  • Talk of suicide, either directly or indirectly (e.g., "I won’t be around to take that exam anyway." or "I’m not worried about getting a job, I won’t need one.")
  • Comments in a student’s paper that arouse concern

Any one of the above signs present in a student does not absolutely indicate the student is in serious distress. Many disturbances during college are relatively transient. However, you may become alarmed by changes that are extreme or by significant changes that last longer than is typical. If there is doubt about the seriousness of the problem, consult with the health center or the counselor about evaluating the situation and taking the most appropriate steps.

What can you do?

The options you choose depend upon the urgency of the situation. For students who are having difficulty but seem able to cope, you may choose not to intervene, to limit your interaction to the academic issue, or to deal with it on a more personal level. If you judge a situation to be more urgent, you might decide that more active and timely involvement on your part is appropriate.

How do you make a referral?

When you have decided a student might benefit from counseling, it is usually best to express your recommendation in a matter-of-fact manner. Make it clear that this represents your best judgment based on your observations of the student. Be specific regarding the behavior that has raised your concerns and avoid attributing anything negative to the individual's character.

Except in an emergency, the option must be left open for the student to accept or refuse counseling. If the student is reluctant for any reason, simply express your acceptance of those feelings so that your relationship with the student is not jeopardized. Give the student room to consider alternatives by suggesting that maybe you can talk after the student has had some time to think it over.

Once the student has agreed that counseling might be useful, there are several possible steps to take, depending on the urgency of the situation and how committed the student is to follow through on the referral. You can give the student information about AUI Counseling and urge the student to email for an appointment or to drop by Building 6, #108 where hours are posted.

In emergency situations involving students who are unwilling or unable to seek help on their own, staff and faculty members may call the health center at extension 2057. The health center will contact the counselor. For any referral, whether the student accepts it or not, follow up with him or her later to show your continuing interest.

What happens at counseling?

Once the student contacts the counselor, an appointment is made for an initial interview. This is usually within a few days from the time of contact, but can often even happen the same day. In an emergency, the student will be seen that day.

During the first meeting, a counselor assesses the student's needs and the ways that AUI may be able to help. Options the counselor considers include individual or group counseling and/or referral to the Al Akhawayn psychiatrist, Dr. Rajaa El Jarrafi, who is on campus every Monday. Some students may leave the initial appointment feeling able to handle their concerns without further assistance.

Counseling services provided at AUI for students, faculty, and staff are free and confidential. Information is released only with written permission. Exceptions to confidentiality may occur if there is a clear danger to self or others.

Consultation is available to you

If you have concerns and questions about a student, the counseling and health staff is available to help you:

  1. Assess the situation, its seriousness, and potential referral.
  2. Learn about resources so you can suggest the most appropriate help when talking with the student.
  3. Learn the best way to make a referral if appropriate.
  4. Clarify your own feelings about the student and consider the ways you can be most effective.

Important contact information

Building 6, Office #108 ext. -2034

Building 8b, Office #309 ext. -2157
Building 26, counseling room (ground floor, left hand side).
Building 26, counseling room (ground floor, left hand side).