We invite your submissions to the 1st International Business Research Symposium (IBRS), to be held in Ifrane, Morocco on May 24-25, 2024.
IBRS 2024 will provide exciting opportunities for participation, collaboration, and dialogue related to the conference theme “Doing Research That Matters.” With your contributions, we anticipate thought-provoking presentations and stimulating discussions that exemplify our incredible discipline. The IBRS 2024 format will be completely in-person.
This format will allow participants to fluidly engage with the research and each other and will promote deeper involvement and collaboration while managing costs. Proceedings of the symposium will be published and shared virtually after the event.
Symposium website: https://sba-ibrs.online/
Important dates:
The IBRS 2024 Symposium Committee: Dr. Onur Ozsoy (Chair), Dr. Issam Benhayoun, Dr. Margaret Takeda, Dr. Olayemi Abdullateef Aliyu